Elkton United Methodist Church

205 Warren Street, Elkton Va | Sundays @ 10:00am

 Christmas Eve Service 12-24-24   7:00 pm

February 7, 2025
Bridge Church

Are you searching for a quiet place to worship?

Feeling displaced?

Tired of all the wrangling, loud voices and discontentment?

Looking for a place of peace over the troubled waters of disaffiliation?

Elkton UMC can be that place.  We are your Bridge Church, where you can find vibrant worship, welcoming people and a non-judgmental environment.  A place to rest and find God’s comfort.  The people of Elkton UMC are waiting to be your partners as you journey forward. 

 As Joshua led the Israelites out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land, they too, were uncertain and afraid, yet God promised to remain with them. Churches in the conference are seeking to come alongside those left behind by disaffiliation, to serve as a bridge to support them as they discern what God has in store for them.

These Bridge Churches are United Methodist faith communities which are confident they will remain United Methodist. Bridge Churches will provide pastoral support, nurture, and opportunities for connection during this time of grief and transition, always in response to each individual’s needs, timing, and sense of God’s call. These congregations bring no expectation of church membership; rather they offer support based on the needs of each person and community. Such support may include:

We are a Bridge Church!

A what!?  A Bridge Church

Sunday Services

Coffee Social
is at 9:45 AM. Coffee and breakfast items are provided.

Worship is at 10:00 AM .


Our worship service encourages one to experience the Word of God in both preaching and music. We proclaim the transforming good news of God’s presence among us, and love for all in Jesus Christ. We sing the great hymns of faith and also incorporate some more contemporary choruses.

Adult Sunday School immediately follows Worship Service

Child care is provided for all services and church school in our nursery

is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome.

You need not be a member of our church or a member of our denomination to celebrate.


 Our Mission & Vision

Our  Vision

Nourished by God, Thriving in Jesus, Serving with the Holy Spirit

Our Mission

By the working of the Holy Spirit among us we fulfill our purposes; to transform our community to look more like the Kingdom of God



Latest Messages

United Women in Faith

– All women are welcome to join! The meetings are usually held here at church on the second Thursday of the month at 4pm.

Thoughts for the Coming Week

“True intimacy with God always brings humility.”

Beth Moore

Blessings! Make it an awesome week!

Dates of Interest

Sarah Mae (Flory) Gilley’s memorial service will beheld here Saturday, Nov. 16th at 10am. A luncheon will follow.

Christmas in Song – Thursday, Dec. 5th, 6:30pm. We will be singing Christmas Carols and listening to some great music! Invite a friend and plan to join as we share in the true meaning of Christmas.
Christmas cookies will be needed…start baking again!

Blood Drive-The Masons will be sponsoring a blood drive on Friday, Dec. 27 at the Elkton Area Community Center. The hours will be 1:00pm until 4:45pm. You can sign up by using your cell phone app, the web page redcrossblood.org, or by
contacting Emory Merryman at 540-298-9171.

Girl Scouts of America Troop 1261

Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month 6:30 PM at Elkton United Methodist Church. For more information you can email Johanna Klein at jklein710@gmail.com

For Updated news Click on the Link Below.



Boy Scouts of America Troop 46

Troop 46 of the Virginia Headwaters Area Council meets on Monday Nights at Elkton United Methodist Church. For more information contact them via email to leadership@elktontroop46.org or click the button below.


About Us

 The history of this church began in 1821 when the Elk Run Liberty
meeting House was built and supplied by Methodist preachers. A white frame church was built in 1894-1896 on this present location and called the Elkton Episcopal Church, South. In 1921 the church was
bricked and is now the Elkton United Methodist Church.